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The Permanent Conference of Artistic Resources

screening of film about the position of women artists in poland, 2007, HamburgThe Permanent Conference of Artistic Resources is a Bildwechsel project that aims to record and to build up our knowledge about the situation of (women) artists in different countries e.g. how easy it is for women artists to visit / live / work in each country, what support is there, what alternatives exist, what networks and alternative structures are there (or can be invented), how can we support each other, what changes to our situations can we make, what is the role of groups. The project also explores the definitions and ideas of what it is to be an artist different countries. Alternative social, economic and organisational structures are a core theme of the project.

In 2009 our main theme is ‘experiments in living’


through meetings, workshops, visits and exchanges, exploring the themes outlined above amongst ourselves and with other artists in our own communities, and on our travels, sharing skills and knowledge, inventing and building new structures, sharing information online, building up a resource of what we learn (online, in the archive, and by producing things)

The questions at the core of the work are:

  • what is the situation for (women) artists in different countries
  • what is the situation for visiting (women) artists
  • what are the different possibilities (women) artists can take advantage of in their countries/cities etc
  • what support systems are there
  • what kind of things can you invent to help you
  • what is the ‚idea’ of a (woman) artist
  • how do we survive as artists

for more information email bildwechsel or bildwechsel glasgow

bildwechsel links:
bildwechsel glasgow
bildwechsel berlin
bildwechsel warsaw
bildwechsel basel
galerie broll